Wargames Terrain and Buildings: The Napoleonic Wars

By Tony Harwood
Any miniature wargame is greatly enhanced by realistic and evocative scenery and buildings, but commercial ready-made pieces can be expensive. Building your own can be a cost-effective and very rewarding alternative, another hobby in itself, but it can be hard to know where to start. Wargames Terrain and Buildings is a series of books aimed at giving wargamers the skills, techniques and guidance they need to create their own stunning and practical model buildings.
In this volume, master modeller Tony Hardwood shares his years of experience and presents the reader with a wide range of projects for the Napoleonic era. With the aid of step-by-step photographs, he guides the reader through building and finishing each of these models, which are organized in three sections of increasing complexity and encompass a range of scales and different materials. Nine projects are included but the techniques and skills demonstrated along the way, along with valuable advice on tools, construction materials and paints, can be adapted and applied to a much wider range of structures to grace your battlefields.
Vintage Airfix Review:
Having been purely a kit modeller for many years, scratch building has always been a dark art to me. I mean, making something so detailed out of cupboard, glue and pixies dust must be some kind of witchcraft… right!
Well, I am pleased to say that I now understand the art, the techniques, the skill needed and the joy of the build. This is all down to this little masterpiece. Although it’s aimed at building the terrain and buildings for wargamers, all the techniques learnt can be transferred to a unique diorama.
All in all, a superb book that will end up being well used, thank you Tony.